Build Level 1 Boards

Sign-up On The ECOBOARD Website To Become a Builder
To get started building Level One ECOBOARDS (making Gold Level ECOBOARDS requires some further commitments – see below). We’ll get in touch once we hear from you to complete your unique listing on our site. The more info you give us – the better your listing.

Source Qualified Materials
Make sure the materials you are using are included on our Qualified Materials list. Some examples of ECOBOARD Level One constructions include:
- Qualified resin + any non-qualified core
- Qualified core + any non-qualified resin
- Qualified core + Qualified resin

Get Your Certification Logos
Order ECOBOARD certification lams on the Board Builder Portal page. Lams come in sheets of 30 and there is a minimum $1 (USD) fee per board designated as an ECOBOARD.

Use Logos On Qualifying Boards
You start applying the ECOBOARD logo on any qualifying boards moving forward.

Send Us Pics and Get Noticed
You send us interesting pics and updates so that we can promote your brand online and beyond.