Best Practices
Best Practice Guide for Board Builders
This page collects the best practices we have been able to find for more sustainable surfboard production. This includes practices that save money, reduce unnecessary waste, and in general are better for the environment and the people who build boards.
These guidelines are based in large part from the Ecoboard Lifecycle Analysis, that we conducted in 2016. Detailed board building data was collected by Channel Islands Surfboards and Firewire Surfboards, which identified some key areas in which waste and energy use can be reduced. Reducing waste and energy use makes common sense and will reduce the environmental footprint of a board regardless of the materials that are used.
There are six categories of best practices:
- Waste generated during board building
- Energy used to build a board
- Materials used to build a board
- Health and safety of workers that build a board
- Packaging of boards for shipping
- Climate Change impact from building a board
Detailed guides for each of the six best practice categories coming soon.