Build Gold Level Boards

In addition to being Approved as an ECOBOARD builder, to receive validation to build Gold Level ECOBOARDS an organization must*:


Undergo a “sustainability audit” with Sustainable Surf – identifying key sustainability opportunities. Assessments for smaller organizations will generally involve a telephone interview. Periodic updates should also be completed following the initial audit;


Identify opportunities to:

  • Reduce waste in the board building process – generally by developing a strategy with Sustainable Surf’s support.
  • Improve energy efficiency and find ways to save energy and/or attempt to use renewable energy and/or carbon offsets.

Demonstrate efforts to improve worker health and safety, and minimize exposure to hazardous and carcinogenic chemicals.


Use Qualified Materials

  • One Gold Level designated material and one other Qualified Material of any level (resin and core)

*Note that for large brands, and those using OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) production, to become Approved to sell boards carrying the ECOBOARD Level One and Gold Level logo, additional verification is required (see tab below). The program also requires an Annual Program fee for large brands and/or those using OEM production in addition to the minimum $1 (USD) fee per board designated as an ECOBOARD